Monday, October 28, 2013

Photo Diary: NYC

Every once in a while, I do something interesting that warrants me hauling around my big girl camera, the Nikon D3200, & whipping out my phone to do a little extra instagramming. A little over a week ago, I ventured out into New York City with my favorite chum. We hit up Manhattan, specifically the Lower East Side, Soho, Midtown, & the Upper East Side.

We first headed to the Lower East Side to the Hester Street Fair, which is now closed for the season until April. It was super small, but cute. It felt super awkward to take pictures, but I did get a picture of the sign. Afterwards we just did a lot of walking around in the area, visiting small galleries & stores.

Raspberry Ginger Tea at Sauce

Bubbles in Soho

Usual Soho traffic

It was a great day with perfect chilly weather, although a little cloudy, with great sites and shops.

Where have you been going lately?

disclaimer: I wasn't compensated to do this post. All opinions are my own. Please do not take my pictures without permission!