Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Urban Outfitters' Pink Holo Nail Polish

Lo and behold, the incredible Pink Holo nail polish from Urban Outfitters. The holographic effect is probably the best I've seen and is super easy to work with. For this polish post, I had to post multiple pictures so you all could see the full effect.

For this manicure, I used three fairly thin coats with no top coat. The formula is really good, not too thin or thick. The brush is on the skinnier side, but not impossible to work with. I would recommend buffing the nails before hand because I could see the ridges and uneven-ness on my thumb nails. On the other nails, it wasn't obvious (or I have really smooth nails. Let's hope for the latter.). I've read about some other holographic polishes, such as the Layla ones, being are hard to work with and break the bank for me at over $14 a bottle. I have to admit though, the color selection is unmatched with 15 shades.

I had to include the picture above that I took on my phone for Instagram. It was taken in direct sunlight and you really can see the full holographic effect. It's probably one of the best pictures that I've ever taken.

I cannot speak highly enough about this nail polish. I'm so glad that I got it on sale for $1. On the Urban Outfitters website, they retail for $10. I have bought the Silver Holo nail polish for full price, and I have to say they're totally worth it. I'll have to pick up the purple one eventually, but I'm really happy with the ones I have now.

Which polishes have you been sporting recently?

disclaimer: This product was purchased by me. I wasn't compensated to do this post/review. All opinions are my own. Please do not take my pictures without my permission!

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